Dynamical Modelling and Simulation of Biological
project funded by the Ministery of Research
ACI IMPbio initiative
General overview
A major challenge in biology today is the advancement of our understanding of fundamental
biological processes through the exploitation of
the huge amounts of data that have become available in genomics. Several
actions aiming at the structuring and organisation of a developing
community in France of scientists interested in this topic have been
launched over the past three years. In particular, a working group
funded by the IMPG initiative has seen the light, while a
pluridisciplinar programme on epigenomics has organised regular
workshops in Evry as well as an annual Spring school.
The project VICANNE, supported by the Ministry of Research in the
framework of the
ACI IMPBio initiative, aims at coordinating and amplifying existing
actions for advancing research on the dynamical analysis of biological
regulatory systems. In order to contribute to the organisation of the
community in France, we coordinate and support a programme consisting of
several types of complementary activities:
- An annual meeting colocated with the JOBIM
conference, following up past satellite meetings in St-Malo (2002), in Paris (2003), and
in Montréal (2004). The next JOBIM satellite meeting will be held
in Lyon on July 9, 2005.
- An international meeting on the dynamics of
biological systems to be held in Marseille, spring 2005.
- Regular thematic interdisciplinary workshops in
Evry, coordinated by the programme Epigénomique, with a total of
approximately six days of seminar per year.
- Working-group meetings (about
three per year) with a restricted number of
participants, where the aim is not so much the presentation of new
results, but rather the fostering of discussions around a specific
topic. Meetings of this type were recently organised in Dijon
(January 2004), Grenoble (May 2004), and Evry (September 2004), while
several others have been scheduled for 2005, notably at Nice (January
2005), Marseille (Spring 2005), and Rennes (Fall 2005). Bordeaux and
Lille have been proposed as meeting hosts in 2006.